Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing practice, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, known as Qi. This therapy is renowned for its ability to alleviate a variety of conditions, including pain management (such as headaches, back pain, shoulder pain and arthritis), stress relief, insomnia relief, digestive issues, and many more.
By restoring balance to the body’s energy flow, acupuncture promotes natural healing and overall well-being, offering a gentle yet powerful solution for a range of health concerns.
Price: IDR 799.000
Duration: 45-60 minutes
Cosmetic Acupuncture tightens skin, reduces dark circles, eliminates fine lines and wrinkles, balances skin, a decreases double chins and headaches – a painless, non-surgical solution to aging.
Price: IDR 999.000
Duration: 60-90 minutes
Ear acupuncture, known as auricular acupuncture, employs either acupuncture needles or ear seeds to address numerous internal and external health conditions, ranging from pain and addiction to insomnia, digestive problems, and immunity issues. It stands as a distinct therapeutic approach that has been enriched by various modalities, yielding enduring therapeutic outcomes.
Price: IDR 399.000
Duration: 30 minutes
Cupping therapy utilizes suction cups to apply localized pressure on the skin, addressing a variety of health issues such as pain, inflammation, and stress. Dry cupping involves placing these cups on specific areas to create a vacuum effect, aiding in pain relief, improved circulation, and relaxation. Wet cupping, a more intensive form, involves making small incisions before applying the cups, allowing for the removal of a small amount of blood thought to detoxify the body and promote healing.
Price: IDR 399.000
Duration: 30 minutes
Facial acupressure and facial gua sha to release stagnant energy, reducing inflammation, increasing blood flow and stimulating the lymphatic system to promote healing in the body.
Price: IDR 200.000
Duration: 20 minutes
We treat both acute and chronic pain by stimulating chi through the body’s energy channels to decrease inflammation and increase blood flow.
We’re here to aid your sexual health, too. Acupuncture can cater to men and women’s needs by tapping into specific areas that affect fertility, libido, menstrual cramps, hormones and more.
We’ll treat your digestive system from the inside out by focusing on helping your body decrease bloating, increase peristalsis, and regulate digestion.
When you need an overall immunity boost, we’re here for you. Acupuncture can help strengthen your defenses to prevent the symptoms of allergies, cold, or flu for year-round wellness.
A little balance goes a long way to help you heal. We use an acupuncture therapy to help you relax, re-energize and leave rejuvenated.
Regular visits can help the body’s overall wellness by increasing blood flow throughout its energy channels for better day-to-day physical and mental performance.
If you’re looking to book an appointment with us, please get in touch via WhatsApp at +62 857 1410 1404 or use our online booking system. We’ll be more than happy to assist with any questions you have and guide you through the whole process.
We kindly request that you take the time to read our policies carefully prior to booking an appointment. Thank you in advance for your cooperation